The Disconnect

von David KerenThe Disconnect

Klett English Editions, 2022

  • 96 Seiten
  • in englischer Sprache
  • Lesealter 07. – 10. Klasse
  • 31 Exemplare

Bibliothekszentrum Hösbach

Begleitmaterial: „Teacher’s Guide : Die Lektüre im Unterricht ; Überblick über die Module und das Lesepensum“ von Linda Kern und Heiko Kist. Digitale Extras für Smartphones und Tablets.


Esther and her friends are presented with a challenge. They have to give up their smart phones for six weeks. Everybody who successfully manages the disconnect will be given money as a reward.

What are the motives of the billionaire Dame Irene Irvine, who has started this challenge? Is she truly interested in doing something about the kids media addiction or is she only driven by economic interests?